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Our Service Offerings

System Integration

We plan, deploy, sustain and maintain your IT lifecycle through our total consulting services, business solutions and professional services. Cognitive Technologies helps you drive momentum in your organization - no matter what domain you are in. Backed by our strong quality processes and rich experience managing valuable clients across various business verticals, we align IT strategies to your business goals. Along with our best of technology partners, Cognitive Technologies also helps you with your hardware and IT infrastructure needs.

Integrated service solutions including Chip Level Repairing

Cognitive Technologies offers integrated service solutions including chip level repairing, logistics & reverse logistics, spare parts operation, onsite customer service and return - to - bench support. These technological services are provided to the major players in the IT Hardware industry, including OEMS, Integrators, EMS companies and End customers.

Network Integration

Communication defines today's business landscape. Interaction with colleagues, clients, suppliers, business partners and information sources is constant and pervasive. The network is at the core of this communication and interaction, providing the fast, secure connectivity that drives business operations. Our network integration solutions and services ensure that your communication networks deliver the performance your business relies on. Cognitive Technologies understands that networks must be flexible, tailored to meet communication needs, compliant with regulation and corporate governance and also aligned with industry standards. Most importantly, we know that networks should simply work - seamlessly facilitating your organization’s changing communication needs.